CrossPass P2P Exchange Portal

The world’s fastest and most secure crypto trading plafform

Personal Information Processing

CROSSPASS Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is Describe how to collect, use, share, and protect user information obtained through the website.

The term "we" refers to CROSSPASS.

When we ask users for specific personal information, it is because we are required by law to collect this information or it relates to a specific purpose.

The non-essential information you provide us is provided voluntarily.

You have decided whether to provide us with such non-essential information.

By using the site, users agree to the data practices described in this privacy policy.

In some cases, CROSSPASS may revise this privacy policy to reflect laws or our personal data collection and use practices.

If there are any important changes to this personal information handling policy, post the changes on the site and notify them.

We ask for your consent before using your information for purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy.

The latest privacy policy incorporates elements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that act in accordance with personal information processing rules in the European Economic Area (EEA).

1. Information collected by CROSSPASS

We hope you understand the kind of information we collect when registering and using CROSSPASS's service.

① Information provided when registering

Provide personal information including contact information (email address, name, and password) when creating a CROSSPASS account.

To enhance security, you can also add an SMS or Google authentication account phone number to use for 2FA authentication.

②Information collected when authenticating a user ID.

In order to comply with global industry regulatory standards such as anti-money laundering (AML), Know-Your-Customer (KYC), and Counter-Tester Financing (CTF), CXGOTC requires user accounts to be authenticated for both personal and corporate accounts.

This involves collecting official identities.

③ Information collected when using services.

③ Service usage information.

It also monitors and collects tracking information related to access date & time, device identification, operating system, browser type, and IP address through the use of the CROSSPASS platform.

This information can be obtained directly from CROSSPASS or through third-party services.

This service usage data ensures that the system allows users on all platforms to access the interface and helps in criminal investigations.

⑤ Transaction information.

We collect transaction information, including deposit snapshots, account balances, transaction details, withdrawals, order activities, and distribution details, for all personal and corporate user accounts.

This transaction data monitors suspicious transaction activities to prevent user cheating and resolve legal cases.

2. The reason why CROSSPASS collects this information.

① To provide and maintain services,

We use the collected information to provide services and verify user identity.

We authenticate and provide services to users using IP addresses and unique identifiers stored in cookies on the device.

Considering our legal obligations and system requirements, we cannot provide data-free services such as identification information, contact information, and transaction-related information.

② To protect the user.

We use the information collected to protect platforms, users' accounts, and archives.

We use IP addresses and cookie data to protect against automatic abuse such as spam, phishing, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

We detect suspicious behavior early and analyze transaction activities to prevent potential fraud and loss of funds by criminals.

It complies with legal and regulatory requirements.

Respect for privacy and security of data stored in CROSSPASS informs us of our approach to regulations, government requests, and user-generated inquiries.

We do not disclose or provide any personal information to third-party sources without the review and/or prior consent of our legal case team.

To measure site performance,

We actively measure and analyze data to understand how services are used.

This review activity is carried out by the operation team to continuously improve the performance of the platform and solve user experience problems.

We continuously monitor the system's activity information and communication with users to find and solve problems quickly.