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General rules
The purpose of Article 1.
The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate the terms and conditions of use and procedures of P2P Exchange-related services (hereinafter referred to as services) provided by CROSSPASS (hereinafter referred to as company) between the company and its members.

Article 2 (Explanation and amendment of the terms and conditions)
The contents of these terms and conditions take effect by posting them on the company's service membership-related site, notifying the user in other ways, and agreeing to these terms and conditions as users sign up as members.
If the company revises the terms and conditions, it will be notified from 7 days before the application date to the day before the application date in the initial page, pop-up screen, or notice section of the company site along with the current terms and conditions.
If the member does not explicitly refuse to express his intention even though the company clearly notified or notified the member of the revised terms and conditions if he does not express his intention within a seven-day period, the member shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.

Article 3 (Definition of Terms)
The definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows.
①Member: It refers to a person who has approved these terms and conditions and signed up for a service use contract with the company.
②ID: It refers to a combination of letters and numbers approved by the company for member identification and service use.
③It refers to CROSSPASS, the website of provided by the company to allow members to use the company's services.
④Password: It refers to a combination of letters and numbers approved by the company to verify the identity of members and protect member information.
⑤Seller: It refers a member who intends to sell virtual currency and registers or applies for it in accordance with the form provided by the company online.
⑥Buyer: It refers to a member who registered or applied for the virtual currency in accordance with the form provided by the company online with the intention of purchasing it.
⑦Autonomous transaction: It refers to trading through a method designated by the seller and the buyer without the participation of the company in the process of delivering virtual currency.

Article 4 (Estitution of a contract for use)
Users apply for membership by filling out their membership information according to the subscription form set by the company and expressing their intention to agree to these terms and conditions.
Membership registration is the time when the company's approval reaches the members.
The contract of use is concluded on a member ID basis. When the usage contract is established, the applicant will be registered as a member.
Members who are not real names or falsely subscribed by stealing personal information such as others' names, phone numbers, etc. are not legally protected, and all civil and criminal responsibilities must be borne by the members.
Those under the age of 19 may be restricted from using services related to virtual currency P2P transactions provided by CROSSPASS.
If necessary, the company may request real name verification and identity authentication through a specialized institution according to the type of user according to the relevant laws and regulations. The company shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by refusing such a company's request for provision and not confirming that it is the user himself.
Article 5 (Application for Use)
Applications for use are made online by recording the requirements of the company's prescribed subscription application form.
All member information on the online subscription application form is considered to be actual data, and users who do not enter real name or actual information may not be legally protected and may be restricted from using the service.
If false information that is different from the facts is entered, or if it is found to be such information in the future, the company may temporarily suspend the use of the service or terminate the contract of permanent suspension and use. The member is fully responsible for any damages incurred to the company or a third party.
The company can provide members with a variety of useful information about the company's related services through e-mail.

Article 6 (Consent to the use of member information and consent to the application for use)
Consent to the use of membership information.
①The company uses the member's personal information for the purpose of implementing this use contract and providing services under this use contract.
②Membership information can be provided to companies affiliated with the company to make it convenient for members to use services affiliated with the company. However, before providing membership information, the company must notify in advance of the contents of the member information to be provided for the purpose of providing the affiliates and obtain consent from the members.
③The company does not transmit advertising information of affiliated services against the member's explicit refusal to receive them. However, for the convenience of using affiliated services, the company can send SMS and SMS URLs such as information and product information, and members can refuse to receive information through withdrawal of membership if they do not want.
④Members can view and modify personal information at any time by modifying membership information.
⑤A member's entry of member information on the application form and applying for use to the company in accordance with these terms and conditions is considered to agree to collect, use, and provide member information on the application form under these terms and conditions.

Acceptance of the application.
①The company may approve membership if a member applies for use by accurately filling out all the requirements required by the company's prescribed subscription application form. However, in the case of subparagraph 2, the company may withhold consent or refuse consent.
②The company may not accept applications for use falling under any of the following subparagraphs.
A) If your name is not real,
B) In the case of an application under the name of another person,
C) In a case where an application for use is made by falsely stating the application is made.
D) In a case where an application is made for the purpose of hindering the well-being and order of society or customs and customs,
E) When there is a lack of application requirements for use set by the company,
F) When there is a lack of the requirements for application for use set by the company,

Article 7 (Suspension and termination of the contract of use)
The contract of use is terminated by termination of a member or company. For damages incurred in connection with the termination of the use contract due to the termination of the member's termination, the member who has terminated the use contract shall be liable, and the company shall not be liable at all.
①When a member wants to terminate the contract, he/she must apply for termination online with the company.
②The company may set a time to use, restrict, or terminate the service contract if a member has committed any of the following acts.
(A) In the event of any of the following violations,
In the case of stealing another person's service ID and password,
In the case of intentionally interfering with the operation of the service,
If the name you signed up for is not your real name,
In the case of intentionally disseminating content that hinders public order and customs and customs,
In a case where a member plans or executes the use of services for the purpose of hindering the national interest or social public interest,
In the case of damaging or disadvantaging the reputation of another person,
In the case of transmitting a large amount of information or advertising information for the purpose of interfering with the stable operation of the service,
In the case of distributing computer virus programs that cause malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction of information, etc.
In the case of fraudulent use as another person's personal information user ID and password,
In a case where information obtained using the company's service information is reproduced, distributed, or commercially used without prior consent of the company,
In the case of infringement of intellectual property rights of another member or a third party of the company.
In the case of violating the terms and conditions of use prescribed by the company, including these terms and conditions,
In the case where a long-term dormant subscriber is notified, the intention to use the service is not expressed even within the notification period.
In a case where a member registers the sale and registration of unsuitable products, conducts or attempts to trade other products that violate public order and customs.
In a case where a member refuses to purchase goods after applying for sale without intention to purchase them, or when a member actually registers the goods without intention to sell the goods.
In the case of collecting, storing, and disclosing personal information about users without their consent,
In the case of inducing direct transaction with information obtained through the company's service information,
Where it is inevitable due to the company's policy to improve services of other companies,
(B) In any of the following cases,
In the case where the operator or manager determines that it is inappropriate for use,
An act of objectively judging that it is associated with a crime.
Other acts that violate relevant laws and regulations.
Procedures for suspension or restriction of service use
① If the company intends to restrict the use, it shall notify the relevant member or agent using a written or homepage message function, etc. by setting the date and period of the reason.
However, if the company admits that it needs to stop using the service urgently, the use of the service may be restricted without the process of the preceding paragraph.
③ Members or their agents notified of the suspension of service may file an objection if they have any objection to the suspension.
④ The company immediately lifts the suspension measure only if it is confirmed that the reason for the suspension has been resolved during the suspension period.
Termination of the contract.
① If the same act is repeated more than twice after the company suspends or restricts the use of the service, or the reason is not corrected within 30 days, or if there is a violation of 1.② (A), the company may terminate the contract.
② If the company terminates the use contract, the membership registration will be canceled. In this case, the company notifies the members and gives them an opportunity to explain before the cancellation of the membership registration.

Article 8 (Change of member information)
1. Members can view and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information correction screen. However, the real-name ID required for service management cannot be modified.
2. If the matters stated at the time of application for membership registration are changed, the member must revise them online or notify the company of the changes by e-mail or other means.
3. The company is not responsible for any disadvantages caused by not notifying the company of the changes in paragraph (2).

Article 9 (Member's obligation to manage member IDs and passwords)
Members are responsible for all management of IDs and passwords. The member is responsible for all consequences arising from the illegal use of the ID and password assigned to the member.
If a member finds out that his or her ID has been illegally used, he or she must notify the company and follow the company's guidance.
In the case of paragraph (2), the company shall not be liable for any disadvantages caused by failure to comply with the company's guidance even if the relevant member fails to notify the company or notifies the company.

Article 10 (Providing Information)
The company can provide the following service information to members by e-mail that members are deemed necessary while using the service.
Services related to virtual currency transactions.
Service related to events and events.
Services determined by other companies from time to time and provided to members.

Article 11 (Type of Service)
The services provided by the company include P2P virtual currency transaction (sales-related purchase-related services).
The types of services provided by the company can be changed from time to time depending on the company's circumstances, and copyrights and intellectual property rights for the services provided belong to the "company".
In relation to the service, the company only grants members the right to use account ID service points according to the terms of use set by the company, and members cannot provide similar services or engage in commercial activities using them.

Article 12 (Notice and Change of Service Contents)
Depending on the type of service, the company announces the characteristics procedures and methods of each service through the service screen, and members must understand the matters related to each service announced by the company and use the service.
If the service content changes, the company shall notify at least 7 days before the change, and shall not be liable for damages incurred by the member's failure to inquire about the notice.

Article 13 (Maintenance and suspension of services)
In principle, the use of the service is 24 hours a day, 24 hours a year, unless there is a special obstacle to the company's business or technology. However, this is not the case on the day or time set by the company due to the need for regular inspections.
The company can divide the service into a certain range and set the available time for each range separately. In this case, the contents will be notified in advance.
The company may stop providing services in any of the following cases.
① In the case where it is inevitable due to construction, such as repair of service facilities, etc.
② In the case where a key telecommunication business operator stipulated in the Telecommunications Business Act suspends telecommunication services,
③ In the case of a service provided by a third party, such as an affiliated member company, rather than a service directly provided by the company, when a third party, such as a member company, stops the service.
④ If there are other force majeure reasons,
The company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service if there is a problem with normal service use due to a failure of national emergency power outage service facilities or a flood of service use.
The company may suspend the service provided in the event of a replacement with a new service or other reason why the company is unable to provide the service.

Article 14 (Restriction of members' use of payment)
The company may restrict the use of payments by members in any of the following cases.
If the payment amount is excessive,
In a case where the seller and the buyer are judged to be the same person,
In the case where the use of payments must be restricted due to the company's operating policy,
In the above case, the company notifies the members of the information through messages on the website.
In the event of overlapping reasons for suspension, it can be canceled only if all suspension conditions are met.

Article 15 (Restriction on the use of deposits and withdrawals by members)
The company may restrict or delay the use of deposits and withdrawals by members in any of the following cases.
In a case where the use of deposits and withdrawals must be restricted or delayed due to the company's operating policy.
In a case where it is outside the scope of the right to use services prescribed by the company,
In the above case, the company notifies the members of the information through messages on the website.
In the event of overlapping reasons for restrictions and delays, they can be canceled only if they meet the cancellation conditions required by the administrator or operator.

Article 16 (Virtual currency sales registration/purchase registration, etc.)
Members who wish to sell or purchase virtual currency through the services provided by the company must register the transaction according to the registration form provided by the company.
The use of additional services
Members who wish to sell virtual currency can apply for additional services provided by the company for more effective sales when registering for transactions. The details of the additional service shall be determined separately by the company.
In connection with the sale/purchase of virtual currency, all services provided by CROSSPASS to members are granted only the right to use each member's convenience, and all similar services outside the scope of the service are prohibited.
Modification of virtual currency purchase/sales registration information.
① Modifications such as adding registered virtual currency information cannot be changed after the transaction proceeds.
② If the buyer is selected, it can't be deleted.

Article 17 Fee.
The commission income that the company acquires in the process of using the company's service has the nature of providing services for virtual currency payment, and members cannot claim a return.

Article 18 (Restriction on the Use of Transaction Services)
You can't use service other than login.
- The name (contact) is unknown.
- Hacking/fraud occurred.
- Person related to the accident member (consistent contact information with personal information)
- Payment security continuous error.
- Application for withdrawal.
- Others: Administrator judgment (in case of serious obstacles to normal service progress)
- The reason for the suspension is not resolved.
- The administrator’s judgment.
Login restrictions.
- Password error continuously.
- Hacking/fraud occurred.
- In case of suspected identity theft,
- Other: Administrator's judgment
Some service restrictions.
(Purchase, sales, deposit and withdrawal restrictions)
If it is determined that there is no problem with the use other than specific services such as purchase/sale/deposit according to the administrator’s judgment, it can be treated as a partial restriction.
- The reason for stopping is solved.

Article 19 (Content of service fees related to virtual currency transactions)
The company charges a fee in return for providing services over the Internet to buyers/sellers. Fees are specified in how to use the company's website and are subject to change depending on the situation of the company and market.
The company may suspend the service provided in the event of a replacement with a new service or other reason why the company is unable to provide the service.

Article 20 (Agreement on the Use of Member Information)
The company's personal information protection policy applies to the member' personal information. When a member enters membership information in the application form and applies for use to the company in accordance with these terms and conditions, the company agrees to collect, use and provide membership information in the application form. The manager of member information management is the operator determined by the company.
To make it useful and convenient for members to use services affiliated with the company and the company, the company may use member information or provide it to companies affiliated with the company in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Agreement. However, the company shall disclose or distribute member information to third parties only if requested by state agencies under the Framework Act on Telecommunications, or if requested by other relevant laws and regulations. However, the restrictions of this provision do not apply if the transaction is normally made and mutual information related to the transaction is exchanged between the two parties.
If the personal information entered by the applicant or member at the time of application for use is changed, the relevant matters must be corrected immediately through the operator or member information change window. However, membership ID and name cannot be changed due to credit management.
In the case of the preceding paragraph, the relevant member bears various damages due to unmodified information, and the company is not liable for this.
If a member is dissatisfied with the handling of the company's personal information, he/she must submit the relevant information to the company in writing or EMAIL, and in this case, the company must deal with the member's complaints in due process.
The termination of the member's use contract shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions, and if the use contract is terminated, the member's personal information shall be kept and deleted afterwards.
Even if the company is obligated to destroy personal information, if it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of related laws such as the Commercial Act, it shall keep the member's personal information for a period prescribed by the relevant laws.
If it is necessary to collect or transmit personal information to use a specific service, the company must notify the member in advance of this fact and seek the consent of the member.
Personal information provided by a member cannot be provided for use other than the purpose without the consent of the member. However, the following cases are excluded.

Article 21 (Compensation for damages)
The company is not responsible for any accidents arising from transactions outside the rules of sale stipulated in these terms and conditions, and is not responsible for disputes arising from the negligence of the seller or buyer. The damage caused by the company's affiliated member company is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the affiliated member company, and in principle, disputes between the affiliated member company and the member should be resolved.

Article 22 (Exemption clause)
The company is not responsible for any of the following cases.
A) In a case where there is force majeure, such as a natural disaster or equivalent national emergency.
B) In the case where damage occurs due to intention or negligence of the user.
C) In the case of a telecommunication service failure provided by a telecommunication business operator for another period under the Telecommunications Business Act,
The company is not responsible for obstacles in service use due to reasons attributable to users.
The company is not responsible for the contents of the user's posting or transmission.
The company is not responsible for defects in virtual currency delivery due to poor service by the virtual currency issuance management system or telecommunications service provider or due to regular server check times.
Each member registers the purchase/sale of virtual currency registered on the exchange operated by CROSSPASS, and the company is not responsible for any registration.

Article 23 (Denial of representation and guarantee)
The company does not have the authority to represent members who wish to sell or purchase virtual currency, and no action of the company is considered as a representative of the seller or buyer.
The company does not guarantee the fact and authenticity of the intention to sell or purchase in relation to the sale and purchase between members through the services provided by the company.
I agree to the terms and conditions
CROSSPASS Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is Describe how to collect, use, share, and protect user information obtained through the website.

The term "we" refers to CROSSPASS.

When we ask users for specific personal information, it is because we are required by law to collect this information or it relates to a specific purpose.

The non-essential information you provide us is provided voluntarily.

You have decided whether to provide us with such non-essential information.

By using the site, users agree to the data practices described in this privacy policy.

In some cases, CROSSPASS may revise this privacy policy to reflect laws or our personal data collection and use practices.

If there are any important changes to this personal information handling policy, post the changes on the site and notify them.

We ask for your consent before using your information for purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy.

The latest privacy policy incorporates elements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that act in accordance with personal information processing rules in the European Economic Area (EEA).

1. Information collected by CROSSPASS

We hope you understand the kind of information we collect when registering and using CROSSPASS's service.

① Information provided when registering

Provide personal information including contact information (email address, name, and password) when creating a CROSSPASS account.

To enhance security, you can also add an SMS or Google authentication account phone number to use for 2FA authentication.

②Information collected when authenticating a user ID.

In order to comply with global industry regulatory standards such as anti-money laundering (AML), Know-Your-Customer (KYC), and Counter-Tester Financing (CTF), CXGOTC requires user accounts to be authenticated for both personal and corporate accounts.

This involves collecting official identities.

③ Information collected when using services.

③ Service usage information.

It also monitors and collects tracking information related to access date & time, device identification, operating system, browser type, and IP address through the use of the CROSSPASS platform.

This information can be obtained directly from CROSSPASS or through third-party services.

This service usage data ensures that the system allows users on all platforms to access the interface and helps in criminal investigations.

⑤ Transaction information.

We collect transaction information, including deposit snapshots, account balances, transaction details, withdrawals, order activities, and distribution details, for all personal and corporate user accounts.

This transaction data monitors suspicious transaction activities to prevent user cheating and resolve legal cases.

2. The reason why CROSSPASS collects this information.

① To provide and maintain services,

We use the collected information to provide services and verify user identity.

We authenticate and provide services to users using IP addresses and unique identifiers stored in cookies on the device.

Considering our legal obligations and system requirements, we cannot provide data-free services such as identification information, contact information, and transaction-related information.

② To protect the user.

We use the information collected to protect platforms, users' accounts, and archives.

We use IP addresses and cookie data to protect against automatic abuse such as spam, phishing, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

We detect suspicious behavior early and analyze transaction activities to prevent potential fraud and loss of funds by criminals.

It complies with legal and regulatory requirements.

Respect for privacy and security of data stored in CROSSPASS informs us of our approach to regulations, government requests, and user-generated inquiries.

We do not disclose or provide any personal information to third-party sources without the review and/or prior consent of our legal case team.

To measure site performance,

We actively measure and analyze data to understand how services are used.

This review activity is carried out by the operation team to continuously improve the performance of the platform and solve user experience problems.

We continuously monitor the system's activity information and communication with users to find and solve problems quickly.
I agree to the terms and conditions